Claw – Debut album

release date

October 06, 2014

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  • 1. The End…Is Just The Beginning
  • 2. Out of The Vault
  • 3. Alpha 13
  • 4. Today
  • 5. Alone
  • 6. Dawn of a New Era
  • 7. Sandstorm
  • 8. Touched with Fire
  • 9. Jack's Bet
  • 10. Repent
  • 11. Too Late
  • 12. My Arch Enemy
  • 13. The Alphapocalypse

Czar Of Bullets is proud to release Claw self-titled debut album in early fall 2014. The album has been recorded and mixed by Serge Morattel (Knut, Zatokrev, Lofofora), who also plays the guitar in the band. More news and details to be announced soon.